Enormous relief with used software 

WHow bakeries can reduce their costs with used software 

For many years, inflation in Germany was of no significance. This is currently changing: prices are rising. And not only for consumers, but also for bakeries. Here, too, inflation is reflected in rising costs, which ultimately make cost-cutting measures necessary. Used software can lead to enormous savings here. 
Due to inflation, bakery customers are having to dig deeper and deeper into their pockets. The price of bread and rolls has risen by around 15 %. There are several reasons for the price increase. Firstly, raw materials for bakers have risen enormously. According to the Federal Statistical Office, grain costs around a third more than in the previous year. Sugar has also become considerably more expensive. The transportation costs of raw materials from overseas, such as raisins and pumpkin seeds, have also increased tenfold. Another reason for the price increase is the rise in energy prices. Bakers pay almost twice as much to run their ovens. If they were to pass these costs on to their customers, they could quickly be squeezed out by competitors. 
But it is not just the rise in energy and raw material prices that is causing costs to rise: the planned increase in the minimum wage is also leading to rising personnel costs and therefore more expenditure for bakeries.
Used software: How large bakeries can reduce their IT costs 
The conclusion from the current developments is not difficult: bakeries need to save money in order to keep costs as low as possible. 
One sustainable option is to make savings in the IT area. In addition to specialized software, most bakeries also use traditional solutions from Microsoft. For example, documents are processed using Word and Excel is used to create tabular lists. Companies can significantly reduce their investment costs for Microsoft applications with used software. This is because used licenses are much cheaper than new ones. Reputable dealers also guarantee the legality of the licenses. 
Companies do not experience any disadvantages, as used software is not a physical product, which means that there is no wear and tear. Used software also does not have any disadvantages in terms of functionality. More recent software versions do offer new functions. However, these rarely play a role in the food industry.
Savings of over 50 percent: large bakery uses used software 
A large bakery in northern Germany has also recognized the great advantages of used software. The well-known brand bakery with numerous locations in the north, east and west of Germany recently decided to modernize its outdated corporate IT. Previously, versions from 2013 were used. The project included the introduction of a new Office version, an SQL server and a Windows server. Purchasing the current versions from 2019 would have cost 434,000 euros. 
Soft & Cloud offered the licenses for the 2016 Microsoft solutions second-hand. This enabled the large bakery to significantly minimize costs. The savings amounted to around 238,700 euros, i.e. around 55 percent. Only 280,000 euros remained to be invested.
Inflation is increasingly causing costs to rise in all sectors of the economy and thus triggering cost-cutting measures. The use of used software is a good way to save money in these financially uncertain times: Licenses from previous software versions are significantly cheaper than new software. More and more IT managers are therefore addressing this issue and becoming aware of the advantages of used software.
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